Best Mass Communication College in Delhi

Best Mass Communication College in Delhi

A degree is worth zillions if awarded by a top mass media institute in its respective field. Though there are tens of Best Mass Communication College in Delhi, only a few ensure the best of the best academic-cum-industrial experience of a top rated media college. When industry leaders talk about the best mass communication colleges in Delhi, they judge them on some specific yardsticks such as the history of a media college, its placement record in the last five years, qualifications and experience of the faculty, infrastructure, industry exposure to students, and how updated is the curriculum. HIMCOM, situated in South Delhi, scores high on all these parameters and is counted among the Best Mass Communication College in Delhi by media professionals. Celebrities from Bollywood to Television and Theatre to FM frequently visit the campus of HIMCOM Best Mass Communication College in Delhi and they impart their knowledge and experience with the students pursuing mass communication from one of the best media colleges in Delhi. Its alumni are working on top positions in the entertainment and journalism sector. With their support and an exceptionally placement cell of the college, pass outs of HIMCOM are receiving lucrative job opportunities and making the institute proud of its highly demanding mass communication programmes.